Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Apology Plato Essay - 698 Words

Melinda Leager PHIL 201-03/04/08 Instructor: Dr. Dennis L. Burke September 7, 2012 Response Paper â€Å"The Apology† by Plato In this reading Plato tells the story of Socrates and his trial which ultimately lead to his death sentence. Socrates was a 70 year old man at peace with his own mortality yet willing to face his accusers with an almost definite possibility of death to maintain his own integrity and beliefs and morality. He fully understood from the beginning of his trial what the sentence handed down would be yet on a level of honor and courage not seen in abundance in modern society he maintained his stance and delivered a compelling and convincing argument. He openly stated that he knew his actions had offended Meletus and†¦show more content†¦He knew his fate from the beginning yet still stood his ground and made a very convincing argument. In today’s society there are individuals that depend on followers to conform to their beliefs and what they feel is right or wrong. We are currently a nation at war and have been for many years for different reasons. As a result of this, there is obviously diversity when it comes to civilian, political and military beliefs. We have soldiers that are willing to fight and die for the country they believe in to show true faith and allegiance to their nation and its President, politicians that fight for their bills and laws to be passed, and citizens who choose every day to either support the war or question our involvement in it. People fight for animal rights, gay and lesbian marriage rights and so much more. All this said, Socrates stood up for what he believed in, in â€Å"The Apology† and in an essence to this day it can be compared to modern day society and individuals or groups standing up for what they believe in. In conclusion, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs and moral values. Though there are rules and laws set forth by our government to maintain a sense of order and acceptable behavior. We as humans are compelled to defend our beliefs and accept the consequences set forth by our beliefs. I am a trueShow MoreRelatedPlatos Apology1219 Words   |  5 PagesPlato’s Apology, is by far one of the most logical yet critical thinking text that I have ever read. Plato describes Socrates, the accused atheist and corrupter of youth in ancient Athens, as a true beacon of ethics and morality. The method that Plato uses to depict Socrates on trial gives us a look back on how the trial of a man who encourages one of sound mind to ask questions even to those who are deemed wise in the eyes of others. Despite facing odds that are stacked highly against him, and thisRead MorePlato s Apology And The Apology1591 Words   |  7 PagesIn this paper I will discuss how Plato s Apolog y and Phaedo have difference ideas of what it means to be a philosopher. I will explain how in the Apology, the philosopher is wise in how he/she understand that they are wise because they know that they don t know, and in Phadeo the philosopher knowledgable and are concern in gaining more knowledge. In Plato s Apology we learn about Socrates life and who he really is. In platos Apology a philosopher is a wise person because he understands thatRead MoreThe Plato of the Apology517 Words   |  2 PagesWestern philosophy, beginning with the dialogues of Plato, is premised upon both the rejection of the artform of tragedy and the rejection of experiences and events considered to be tragic. This general and far-reaching exclusion of the tragic originates from Plato’s dissension made in The Republic of the normative claims defined by nearly all tragic and epic poetry regarding the question of how a human being should live. Tragedy, merely by being tragedy, expresses the following evaluative commitmentsRead MorePlato Apology2098 Words   |  9 PagesCritical Analysis of The Apology of Socrates by Plato Socrates was an orator and philosopher whose primary interests were logic, ethics and epistemology. In Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Plato recounts the speech that Socrates gave shortly before his death, during the trial in 399 BC in which he was charged with corrupting the young, and by not believing in the  gods  in whom the city believes, also being a busybody and intervene gods business. The name of the work itself is not mean what it isRead MoreThe Apology Of Plato s Apology982 Words   |  4 Pages In the â€Å"Apology,† Socrates seems disobedient, disrespectful and even boastful as he speaks to the magistracy. In â€Å"Crito,† however, Socrates is found sleeping soundly as he patiently awaits his punishment – death. It seems that Plato’s works paint two entirely contradicting portraits of his mentor. Yet, it was not a contradiction for Socrates to refuse Crito’s help to leave Athens and avoid punishment, because the alternative pe nalties or escape would compromise Socrates lifestyle, and since he failedRead MoreApology, By Plato s Apology1298 Words   |  6 Pagesknowing you know nothing.† In â€Å"Apology,† written by Plato, this ethical belief makes a bold appearance demonstrating that true ignorance only revolves around those who think that they know everything. In â€Å"Apology,† Socrates learns that the wisest men are those who do not think of themselves of wise, and rather make an approach of going beyond an authentic method of inquiry and helping others seek their personal philosophies which may result in conflict. In Plato’s â€Å"Apology,† Socrates demonstrates thatRead MorePlato And Plato s The Apology1623 Words   |  7 Pagesmore interested in determining how the world worked and its origins/cosmology, as oppose to philosophers such as Plato And Socrates who focused more on ethics or morality. Plato’s conception of God and religion can be depicted in his literatures â€Å"Euthyphro† and â€Å"The Apology† which he expresses through his writings of Socrates in dialogue formation. While one may assume that both Plato and Socrates shared analogous notions of God and religion it is impossible to truly know given the Socratic problemRead MoreThe Apology Of Plato Apology983 Words   |  4 PagesAt the beginning of The Apology, Socrates is directly speaking to the jury in Athens. In the beginning of the apology Socrates speaks of accusations that have been made against him throughout his life. There seems to be two different kinds of accusations. The first being biases accusations that have been made on throughout his past and the other being recent accusations. Socrates explains he was accused of being, â€Å" a wise man, a student of all things in the sky and below the earth, who makes theRead MoreSocrates Apology Of Plato s Apology981 Words   |  4 PagesPart I: Essay Outline Question #2 At 23b of Plato s Apology Socrates claims to be wiser than his interlocutors because, unlike them, he does not think he knows what he does not know. Question: Is this self-assessment genuinely meaningful or is it merely clever word play? Thesis Statement: I think Socrates’ message behind his speech to his interlocutors was to both state his superior wisdom and gain the attention while doing so. Outline I. Introduction A. Opening Statement 1. What is wisdomRead MoreThe Apology And Phaedo By Plato Essay1682 Words   |  7 Pages The Apology and Phaedo by Plato are two different books describing what is like to be a philosopher per Socrates believes. These two books take place in two different scenarios in Socrates’ life, The Apology takes place in a court room where Socrates is to defend himself from false charges brought to him by Meletus who is acting as the prosecutor. Phaedo, on the other hand, takes place in a prison cell post judgment on the day of Socrates execution. Hence, The Apology and Phaedo appeared to display

Friday, December 20, 2019

Literature Revir of J.D. Salinger´s The Catcher in the Rye...

J.D Salinger: The Catcher In The Rye The Catcher and the Rye starts out with the main character named Holden Caulfield. He is 16 years old and live in New York City. The story takes place in the time of the 1940’s. He goes to a boarding school but he is having problems staying in school. Just like a lot of kids at Fishburne Military School some get kicked out and other have problems with motivating. Holden has a hard time motivating him self to get things done. It causes him problems and the biggest problem it causes is getting him kicked out of school. One of his other big problems is that he can’t make friends easily. Whenever he tries to make a friend he always seems to fail. He was traveling home after he got kicked out of the†¦show more content†¦He tells her to leave, she says to pay her 10$ he only gives her 5$. The hooker gets the doorman he is mad and goes up to the room punches him and takes the extra 5$. The next day he leaves the hotel and is o n a search for his sister Fee bee. He goes to the park where he thinks she will be. He doesn’t see her and goes to ask one of her friends. He finds her in the museum. Holden always talks about people being phony, and how he doesn’t like people for a reason. Holden is actually a phony person him self believe it or not. Holden is a liar he lies about most things that he doesn’t like or things he doesn’t feel comfortable talking about. When something goes wrong Holden immediately blames someone else for his mistakes, it’s never his fault. He hasn’t really decided what to do with his life. He wants to find out how things work and why things happen. At the same time he is insecure and also feels like he is never good enough. He thinks the adult world is phony. He wants to be an adult just like a lot of all the other people in the world but when he gets mad or they upset him he treats them as a child and runs away. He really wants to be friends with everyone; he has a hard time making them. He wants to grow up by him self with no people around. Holden doesn’t really like his parents and his parents doesn’t like him that much either. The one big thing that contributed to his emotional and a downfall to his life was the death of his brother Allie

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Organizational Change Management Global Environment

Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Change Management for Global Environment. Answer: Introduction With the current competitive local and global environment, constant change has become an integral part of all business strategies (Medina, 2013). Organizations that do not embrace changes based on the changing market environment are at high risks of losing their market share and customer loyalty. Understanding the importance of a change and implementing effective plans is not always enough for an organization that would like to succeed because many barriers may impact implementation of changes. One of the main obstacles that may affect successful implementation of change is individual resistance (Jennifer, 2014). For this reasons, organizations should come up with proper strategies aimed at organizational growth to manage change resistance. Change is important because it drives an organization towards achieving its goals and objectives (Rittik, 2012). If not well managed, it may end up receiving opposition from various stakeholders. There are different strategies which a change leader can use to prevent change resistance in an organization. Before choosing the best approach, the change manager should identify who are likely to resist the change and main reasons for the resistance. Why resistance to change is frequently demonized as a problem that must be managed With the current changes in technology and competition in various industries, organizations need to undertake changes and transformations to succeed (Carey, 2013). With improper management of change resistance, companies may end up doing wrong things or using bad strategies which may negatively impact their success. One of the primary reasons why resistance to change is frequently demonized as a problem that must be managed is because some people fail to know why they resist the change (Carey, 2013). Some people always feel that the risks associated with a change outweigh its benefits and therefore should not be undertaken. Others have a perception that they do not have the ability to initiate the change and hence end up resisting it because they believe it cannot benefit them. Thinking about the importance of change is one of the most important things for a person who aims to succeed in managing resistance (Medina, 2013). Proper management towards change resistance leads to a smooth transition from the old to the new ways of doing things. It also leads to organizational growth through improving productivity and customer satisfaction. Resistance to change must be managed because it is a common aspect which makes many organizations to embrace strategies which can assist them in realizing a continuous success (Ik, 2014). In some cases, people fail to have proper reasons why they resist change. Some tend to feel that the outcomes of change are always negative while others fail to trust those who are responsible for the modification. In most cases, the purpose for a change in an organization is mostly to bring positive results. For example, real change in an organization leads customer satisfaction, loyalty, expand market share and so forth (Medina, 2013). At times, employees fail to understand this and end up resisting the change because they believe what exists is better than what they dont know. To avoid resistance, it is advisable for the management to ensure its staff is informed concerning the reason for the change before it is implemented. Proper management of change resistance enables the management to create room for innovation which leads to new products or new ways of doing things (Medina, 2013). An organization that implements changes without facing unreasonable resistance is always able to operate based on consumer expectations. For organizations which operate in competitive industries, it becomes hard to thrive especially when resistance towards change is not well managed (Mathew, 2013). This is because for an organization to attain a competitive advantage it needs to come up with unique strategies that can enable it to maintain customer loyalty and acquire significant market share. Without room for a change, it becomes hard for such organizations to adapt new strategies and may end up collapsing because of competition. People fail to understand that it is not in all circumstances that change is aimed to bring negative results (Haas Lesch 2012). In most cases, a change in an organization is aimed to assist an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. For example, implementation of a new system or a plant may increase productivity, but some employees may resist this change because of the perception that it will make them lose their jobs. Resistance to change should be managed primarily for an organization that wants to attain a continuous customer satisfaction (Mattone, 2013). This is because consumers will always like to experience new things and if the change is not undertaken, it might be challenging to achieve this. People who resist changes should be informed that change is aimed to establish positive results rather than negative ones. One of the best ways of managing change resistance is allowing those who resist it to play a role in its implementations. Proper management of change resistance should be taken because it may make employees develop a negative attitude towards the organization. For example, layoff related changes can bring up some confusion, anger, paranoia, and other discomforts among the employees (Medina, 2013). This may make employees to perform poorly hence impacting the success of the organization. Before initiating change, it is important to consider how people are likely to react after the change is implemented and make decisions from there. Resistance to change should be well managed because it may make an organization to fail in in its operations (Meghana, 2014). Change leaders should first alert employees about the change and inform them about the likely impacts of the change. If a change is going to affect the employees negatively, the management should tell them why the decision was taken and what the organization plans to do to assist them from the situation. Although change leaders try their best to ensure staff members accept changes for the purpose of organizational success, they at times fail to succeed because most people have the perception that things should remain the way they are (Bart, 2015). Instead of considering the positive side of change, most people especially employees think changes are associated with risks or negative impacts in their career. The reason why resistance to change is frequently demonized as a problem that must be managed is that resistance towards change has become a common factor that makes organizations not to meet their dynamic needs of their clients (Baldon, 2010). It also considered as among the factors that make companies not to utilize the available growth opportunities which can make them upgrade to the next level. The fear of the unknown is among the major factors which make people develop resistance for a change (Jennifer, 2014). When people resist change because of what they dont know, it is advisable for the person responsible for the change to inform them that they should not fear for what they dont know. Instead, they should take the change positively because it is always aimed to benefit them and the organization at large. For organizations to continue realizing succeed in the competitive environment, managers should teach their staff the importance of change and how resistance is likely to impact an organization that seeks to attain a competitive advantage (Haas Lesch 2012). Employees should be taught how to approach a change in the right manner to reduce the chances of resistance. What are the implications of this and how else can resistance be understood One of the significant implications for change resistance is that people believe much on the downside of the change than its positive side (Earnest Karinch, 2011). One of the primary reasons for change resistance is habit. When an organization decides to do new things, individual habits may act as a substantial obstruction toward the change because some people tend to feel what exists should not be changed. Change resistance may imply that the person responsible for the change did not follow the right procedure or did not consider the impacts of the change before implementing it (Bart, 2015). When planning for the change, it is good to follow the right channel to minimize the chances for resistance. For example, it is advisable to alert the stakeholders about the change, why you feel the change should be undertaken, who will undertake it, the likely results for the change and so forth. Before establishing changes in organizations, it is advisable to ensure proper planning is undertaken to ensure the change process is initiated and managed by the right person at the right time (Anderson, 2011). It is also important to understand the reasons for the resistance and find out if they are reasonable. Because no one would like his or her career to be negatively impacted by a change, it is advisable to view change resistance from a broader perspective (Celine, 2013). It is not right to judge employees who resist change as people who want to cripple the growth of the organization. Instead, the management should take these employees as individuals who like to be part of the organization and use proper strategies to implement changes. Resistance to change should not be taken as an offense within an organization. This is because at times people may have good reasons for the resistance (Carol, 2012). If for example the person responsible for the change does not understand and communicate the causes of the change, the stakeholders should resist the change because there are no clear reasons why it should be implemented. Because the individual sources for change resistance are rooted from basic human characteristics like needs and perceptions, people who are responsible for change should know how to deal with these characteristics in the right manner (Even, 2013). It is not advisable to force a change to happen where it has been approached with full resistance because it may make an organization to experience a lot of problems The management should not punish people who resist change because in some cases change resistance may also play a role in organizational growth (Bart, 2015). For example, if the individual responsible for the change does not analyze how the change will impact the organization, it may end up making the organization experience some problems. In such cases, change resistance may play a role because it can prevent the change from being implemented. In times where employees resist a proposed change, it is advisable for the person responsible for the change to analyze why the change is facing resistance and come up with proper decisions (Celine, 2013). In cases where employees do not have clear reasons for the opposition, the person responsible should inform them what the change is meant for and why they should accept it. Managers are the key drivers of change in every organization. They should play a role in informing the people about the importance of change (Ik, 2014). Among the roles which managers should play in embracing change in an organization should include identifying the purpose for a change and how it is likely to affect the organization. Conclusion Having seen that change is important especially for organizations that would like to thrive in todays competitive environment, it is advisable for the management to incorporate it in its growth strategies and come up with proper ways of managing resistance (Haas Lesch 2012). Informing the stakeholders concerning the importance of a change and letting them to play a role in implementing the change can assist organizations to minimize the chances for resistance. It is advisable to understand the resistance to a change in the right way because at times it may prevent an organization from making wrong decisions. Organizations should understand that not all changes bring a positive result to an organization (Even, 2013). At times, they may end up bringing revocations and therefore resistance may play a role. Therefore, utilizing the resistance to judge the likely results for a proposed change is advisable. Before judging a change resistance, it is wise to find out the reason for the resistance (Celine, 2013). Although sometimes people may fail to have good grounds for resistance, at times they may have good reasons which can be used for decision making. Before implementing change, the person responsible should take the necessary steps which can make other people participate in implementing the change rather than resisting it (Katherina, 2013). One of the best ways of achieving this is through informing the stakeholders concerning the benefits of the change before implementing it. References Agada, J Grover, R (2010). Assessing Information Needs: Managing Transformative Library Services. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited Anderson, A (2011), Engaging Resistance: How Ordinary People Successfully Champion Change: Stanford, CA. Stanford Business Books. Baldon, J (2010), Lead Your Boss: The Subtle Art of Managing Up, New York: AMACOM Bart, Z (2015), On Inertia: Resistance to Change in Individuals, Institutions and the Development of Knowledge, Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 11(1), 79-86. Carey, S (2013), Resistance to Change in the Nursing Profession: Creative Transdisciplinary Solutions, Creative Nursing, 19(2), 89-102. Carol, M (2012), Curriculum Change and Teacher Resistance, Curriculum Matters, 8, 58-60. Celine, B (2013), Two Paradigms about Resistance to Change, Organization Development Journal, 31(3), 56-90. Earnest, P Karinch, M (2011). Business Confidential: Lessons for Corporate Success from Inside the CIA. New York, Amacom. Even, L (2014), Emotional Intelligence or Personality in Resistance to Change? Empirical Results in an Italian Health Care Context, Journal of Employment Counseling, 51(4), 89-100. Haas, m Lesch, D (2012). the Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East. Boulder, CO: Westview Press Ik, M (2014), the Other Side of Change Resistance, International Review of Management and Business Research, 3(1), 25-50. Jennifer, W (2014), Managing Change Successfully: Overcome Resistance through Strategy, Communications, and Patience, Journal of Accountancy, 217(4), 36-50. Katherina, N (2013) the Effect of Affective Commitment, Communication and Participation on Resistance to Change: The Role of Change Readiness, New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 42, (2), 36-70. Mathew, C (2013), Effect of Psychological Capital and Resistance to Change on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39 (2), 34-65. Mattone, J (2013). Powerful Performance Management. New York: American Management Association. Medina, J (2013). The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations. New York: Oxford University Press. Meghana, R (2014), Cultivating Openness to Change in Multicultural Organizations: Assessing the Value of Appreciative Discourse, Organization Development Journal, 32, (3), 79-86. Rittik, G (2012), A Comprehensive Study on ERP Failures Stressing on Reluctance to Change as a Cause of Failure, Journal of Marketing and Management, 3(1), 568-580.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lessons Learned from My Pastor Essay Example For Students

Lessons Learned from My Pastor Essay The way I see it family should always have each other’s back, right? Well so I thought. When I was younger I had always been close to my cousin Cody. Then the day come when he hurt me like nobody else could. He shattered my world and threw the family into a crazy war. I made it through all of the hurtfulness and pain by diving head first into my Sunday school teachings. Growing up in my crazy family I felt out of place a lot of the time. The only time I felt right was when I was with my cousin Cody. He was like my twin brother, we were same age and had the same crazy ways of entertaining ourselves. We would run around pulling pranks on many of our family member’s, hiding things and the, Oh so funny â€Å"rubber band around the kitchen sink hose† trick. Let’s face it, we were little shits. Last summer our family was in town from Yakima, Washington. My cousin Sara has Autism and she takes medicine to help control her behavior. The only people that new where her medicine was Cody’s mom and Kristie, Sara’s mom. Somehow some of Sara’s medicine disappeared. At first my aunt accused Cody and me of taking it, but we denied the accusations. The family argued over who took it and in the end everyone left that night still angry and confused on who stole the medicine. I later had found out that Cody had told his grandma that I was the one who took the medicine because I wanted to sell it. I couldn’t believe that Cody had told her that. I didn’t want to believe it. I was angry, confused, and hurt all at the same time and for a teenage girl that was a lot to handle. My aunt went around telling everyone that I was a drug dealer and a pill head. Not many people believed her but some did. My family looked at me in discussed as I pleaded and denied what she had said. Being angry and confused, I started spending a lot of my time at the youth Methodist church I attended. I spent many Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings there teaching and leading the youth service groups. After those many days I had come to realize that the words that my pastor had once told me were true. â€Å"You should always forgive someone but never forget the pain they have caused you. † She had opened my eyes to see that no matter what my aunt may have said about me, I know that the people who really love me know the truth. I had later come to find out that Cody’s mother was the one who had taken Sara’s medicine. Family might not always have each other’s back when they need each other the most. Cody has since apologized to me and we have returned to speaking terms, but things will never be the same between us. I find irony in the fact that my aunt was the one who accused me of taking the medicine when in turn she was the one who had taken them. I hope that one day she will learn from her mistakes the way I have learned from mine with the help of Pastor Dawn.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

100 Beautiful and Ugly Words

100 Beautiful and Ugly Words 100 Beautiful and Ugly Words 100 Beautiful and Ugly Words By Mark Nichol One of the many fascinating features of our language is how often words with pleasant associations are also quite pleasing on the tongue and even to the eye, and how many words, by contrast, acoustically and visually corroborate their disagreeable nature look no further than the heading for this post. Enrich the poetry of your prose by applying words that provide precise connotation while also evoking emotional responses. (Note the proportion of beautiful words to ugly ones in the compilation below; it’s easier to conjure the former than the latter, though I omitted words associated with bodily functions, as well as onomatopoeic terms.) Notice how often attractive words present themselves to define other beautiful ones, and note also how many of them are interrelated, and what kind of sensations, impressions, and emotions they have in common. Also, try enunciating beautiful words as if they were ugly, or vice versa. Are their sounds suggestive of their quality, or does their meaning wholly determine their effect on us? Beautiful Words Amorphous: indefinite, shapeless Beguile: deceive Caprice: impulse Cascade: steep waterfall Cashmere: fine, delicate wool Chrysalis: protective covering Cinnamon: an aromatic spice; its soft brown color Coalesce: unite, or fuse Crepuscular: dim, or twilit Crystalline: clear, or sparkling Desultory: half-hearted, meandering Diaphanous: gauzy Dulcet: sweet Ebullient: enthusiastic Effervescent: bubbly Elision: omission Enchanted: charmed Encompass: surround Enrapture: delighted Ephemeral: fleeting Epiphany: revelation Epitome: embodiment of the ideal Ethereal: celestial, unworldly, immaterial Etiquette: proper conduct Evanescent: fleeting Evocative: suggestive Exuberant: abundant, unrestrained, outsize Felicity: happiness, pleasantness Filament: thread, strand Halcyon: care-free Idyllic: contentedly pleasing Incorporeal: without form Incandescent: glowing, radiant, brilliant, zealous Ineffable: indescribable, unspeakable Inexorable: relentless Insouciance: nonchalance Iridescent: luster Languid: slow, listless Lassitude: fatigue Lilt: cheerful or buoyant song or movement Lithe: flexible, graceful Lullaby: soothing song Luminescence: dim chemical or organic light Mellifluous: smooth, sweet Mist: cloudy moisture, or similar literal or virtual obstacle Murmur: soothing sound Myriad: great number Nebulous: indistinct Opulent: ostentatious Penumbra: shade, shroud, fringe Plethora: abundance Quiescent: peaceful Quintessential: most purely representative or typical Radiant: glowing Redolent: aromatic, evocative Resonant: echoing, evocative Resplendent: shining Rhapsodic: intensely emotional Sapphire: rich, deep bluish purple Scintilla: trace Serendipitous: chance Serene: peaceful Somnolent: drowsy, sleep inducing Sonorous: loud, impressive, imposing Spherical: ball-like, globular Sublime: exalted, transcendent Succulent: juicy, tasty, rich Suffuse: flushed, full Susurration: whispering Symphony: harmonious assemblage Talisman: charm, magical device Tessellated: checkered in pattern Tranquility: peacefulness Vestige: trace Zenith: highest point Ugly Words Cacophony: confused noise Cataclysm: flood, catastrophe, upheaval Chafe: irritate, abrade Coarse: common, crude, rough, harsh Cynical: distrustful, self-interested Decrepit: worn-out, run-down Disgust: aversion, distaste Grimace: expression of disgust or pain Grotesque: distorted, bizarre Harangue: rant Hirsute: hairy Hoarse: harsh, grating Leech: parasite, Maladroit: clumsy Mediocre: ordinary, of low quality Obstreperous: noisy, unruly Rancid: offensive, smelly Repugnant: distasteful Repulsive: disgusting Shriek: sharp, screeching sound Shrill: high-pitched sound Shun: avoid, ostracize Slaughter: butcher, carnage Unctuous: smug, ingratiating Visceral: crude, anatomically graphic What did I miss? Add to these lists in a comment below. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?Best Websites to Learn EnglishInspiring vs. Inspirational

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Descartes Examination Of A Thinking Soul

so as to give appropriate, meaningful answer to questions and whether it can engage in a rage of appropriate, rational activities (CR, pp.34-35). Here, however, Descartes goes a step further as he devic... Free Essays on Descartes Examination Of A Thinking Soul Free Essays on Descartes Examination Of A Thinking Soul Descartes’ Examination of a Thinking Soul In order to truly understand the nature of the human mind as asked in the course syllabus one must be able to define a thinking individual, something that Descartes attempts and succeeds in achieving. In his Letter to the Marquess of Newcastle, Descartes rejects others’ belief that animals have reasoning or thoughts and devices a sort of test based on a defining characteristic of a thinking mind that he believes can successfully separate the thinking from the non-thinking. Descartes thoroughly seeks for a distinguishing feature that separates an animal mind from a human mind and comes to the conclusion that an â€Å"external action†, more specifically the capacity for linguistic activity is the difference. According to Descartes, defining a thinking creature is ultimately decided by the â€Å"external action† of linguistic capability; however, Descartes makes certain that actions that are inane, for example, are not included. In this passage, Descartes’ idea of â€Å"external actions† is not simply the ability to eat, talk or walk (explained further later) but rather a more complex action that incurs more complex thoughts: the capacity for linguistic activity. However, Descartes does not simply define linguistic activity as talking but as â€Å"†¦words, or other signs that are relevant to particular topics without expressing any passion† (â€Å"Letter to the Marquess of Newcastle,† CR, p. 36). In Descartes’ Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking the Truth n the Sciences, he first suggests a test to see if there is a separation of body and mind which includes such things as if the candidate is able to respond verbally, produce different arrangements of words so as to give appropriate, meaningful answer to questions and whether it can engage in a rage of appropriate, rational activities (CR, pp.34-35). Here, however, Descartes goes a step further as he devic...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research Proposal What attributes of eco-labels are important to Essay

Research Proposal What attributes of eco-labels are important to consumers - Essay Example This research proposal seeks to ascertain the eco-label attributes that consumers consider important. Eco-labelling has the fundamentals of information economics written all over it. Eco-labels help consumers in understanding the impact of a product on the environment. They use the information to make a decision on whether to support the product or not (FAO, n.d.). In economics, Stigler portrays information is a valuable resource. For example, a consumer will go around asking for product prices from different sellers. The consumer will continue asking until he or she gets the lowest price. It is apparent that the consumer will not relax until the marginal cost of the product equals the marginal cost of obtaining additional information (FAO, n.d.) Eco-labels provide valuable information on product characteristics, history, and cost, which influences consumer decisions (Delmas & Lessem, 2014). The level of importance that consumers attach to eco-labelling is high because eco-labels contain information about the product quality (Teisl, Roe, & Hicks, 2002). Research has shown that information of product quality is very difficult to obtain in the marketing compared to information on prices (Leopold Center & Iowa University Business Analysis Laboratory, 2004). Consequently, consumers are willing to pay higher for the information product quality (Loureiro & Lotade, 2005). It helps them avoid purchasing disappointing products. The level of uncertainty that come with product labels can push consumers to prefer information on quality. Therefore, consumers prefer the quality attribute of eco-labels on products (Delmas, 2010). Eco-labels influence consumer product preferences. A comprehensive theoretical analysis of the economics of analyzes reveals that some consumers will make purchasing decision based on the eco-labels. Typically, consumers make purchase decisions based on product quality and price. In fact, some consumers can purchase products at